The Nesting Instinct

This past week or two we have been blessed with beautiful warm sunny days here on the West Coast of Canada. Although, you can definitely feel a slight chill in the air in the mornings and later in the day. I do love summer, but I must admit that the cooler seasons also appeal to me. I love the cozy factor of fall and winter. We live in an old house (by West Coast standards) which was originally built in 1925 and renovated a few times over the years. We have a wood fireplace that becomes the heart of the house around this time of year. I love those cheery fires and a multitude of candles lit. Fall and winter are the "knitters seasons" too, which helps me embrace the shorter days. And of course you can't leave out the celebrations: Thanksgiving (which we celebrate this weekend here in Canada), Halloween, and of course Christmas.

Autumn brings out the "nesting" instinct in me. I feel completely satisfied to stay cuddled up in my easy chair with knitting in hand and a good book close by. My desire to bake comes back out of its summer hibernation. This fall will bring a lovely little nest project - a small renovation to the kitchen. (stay tuned for a future post on this). The only down-side of this nesting is that I really don't feel like leaving the nest. And the gym is still there waiting for me to come and exercise. This year I must try to balance out my nesting with more exercise or all that baking will take its tole!

Here are a few photos of the inside of the nest and a few from the garden and back porch.

Happy Autumn


  1. How nice to see some photos of your nest!
    I have a vintage phone too and it's great for when the power goes out.
    I'd love to see more...
    Happy Thanksgiving weekend.

  2. Lovely captures of your home. Beautiful.

  3. your home and garden look so lovely. i adore that old phone. is it a real one? we used to have an old one in our last home. our no. 2 son came over and had to use the phone, picked up the receiver and honestly did not know what to do next. i said nothing, just watched him while he put his fingers in the holes and lamely turned the dial. i was laughing so hard. i guess you had to be there but the point is that my sons laugh at me all the time b/c i can't figure out new technology and to see him struggle with a rotary phone was priceless.



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